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      About Risehands

      Helping is Great Virtue
      for Every Human’s

      For example, a child builds self-worth by getting good grades to earn their parents' approval, then grows up and gets a fancy corporate job to earn the approval of their larger culture.

      “On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike menes who beguiled demoralized “

      Helping is the great virtue for human
      Our Mission

      It is a summary of the aims and core values. A mission tells what you as an organization do for customers.

      Our Vision

      Your mission defines what your organization does and what you stand for, while your vision speaks.


      Act of an individual or group freely giving time and labor, often for community service

      WHy donate us

      We’re So Much Trusted
      Charity Fundations

      Give Right Place

      Sorem esum dolorame consectetu adipise elits sed eiusmo tempor.

      Give Right Place

      Sorem esum dolorame consectetu adipise elits sed eiusmo tempor.

      Give Right Place

      Sorem esum dolorame consectetu adipise elits sed eiusmo tempor.

      Meet our Volunteer

      We Have a Volunteer Team
      Meet Our Professionals


      Congratulations to the entire Shikshayatan Foundation’s administrators, faculty, staff members,…


      My heartiest congratulations to the Shikshayatan Foundation on its 100th…


      Congratulations to Shikshayatan Foundation for 100th year!


      It is a matter of great pride that for 100…

      Company Statistics

      Highest Ambition is
      to Help People

      35 +
      Years of Fundation
      56 +
      Monthly Donate
      3 K+
      Global Partners
      93 +
      Project Complate

      What Our People’s Say
      About Risehands

      On the other hand denounce righteous indignation and dislike men who beguile and demoralize charms pleasure the moment blinded desire cannot foresee pain and trouble that are bound to ensue
      Jacob Leonardo
      Business Manager
      On the other hand denounce righteous indignation and dislike men who beguile and demoralize charms pleasure the moment blinded desire cannot foresee pain and trouble that are bound to ensue
      Somalia D. Silva
      Business Advisor
      On the other hand denounce righteous indignation and dislike men who beguile and demoralize charms pleasure the moment blinded desire cannot foresee pain and trouble that are bound to ensue
      Jacob Renly
      Business Manager