MBV and Me – the Inseparable Soul
‘MBV’ – A very short name – but the impact is huge on everyone associated with it. The
coinage of words to explain the importance of this school on my life simply falls flat. All the
qualities for which I am loved and honoured everywhere have gradually inculcated in me
through the cordiality of the family members of this very very prestigious Institution which
started its journey long long back – a century ago – in the year 1920. But the funniest
thing of this episode is that when I came to be its prestigious member in the year of 1996,
my heart revolted, my emotions continuously poked me to retreat to my previous academy.
But now! The very thought of parting with it becomes unbearable for such a simple Asst.
Teacher like me.
Suchandra Halder
Assistant Teacher
Marwari Balika Vidyalaya
``Inseparable Spirits``
I feel extremely proud and overwhelmed to be a part of this beautiful journey. It was
since the year 1996 when my roots gradually got imbibed in this glorious school. I saw
this magnificent school spreading its wings of knowledge and growing to its gigantic
heights today. I had witnessed every thing - all happy fun frolic moments as well as
struggling times but each time we made it together by uprising against all odds. It is
the love, unity in spirit, cooperation from other that had helped me to be still a part
of this centenary celebration. My experience here allows me to share my thoughts as :
“ Keep your face towards the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you”.
Arun Kumar Choudhury
Marwari Balika Vidyalaya

We’re So Much Trusted

School Trip

School Trip