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      Shri Shikshayatan College

      Life Time Opportunity

      I have served the B.Ed. Department of this glorious Institution for the past 37 years (20 years as the HoD). I am witness to its rise and reputation! In keeping with its rich tradition, this renowned department has consistently engaged in a plethora of activities, providing students with multifaceted exposure and experiences that have helped them to emerge as complete teachers.
      I am beholden to our ever supporting College Governing Body, Principals, Teachers -In-Charge, Colleagues, Office Staff, Maintenance Staff and off course our dear Students for giving me this life time opportunity.

      • Dr. Susmita Saha
      • Associate Professor
      • Department of B.Ed.
      Shri Shikshayatan College

      ``Institution In Its Entirety``

      My experience and my Journey in Shri Shikshayatan College as a faculty is always an ongoing process. This entire period, no less than thirty eight years is a continuous process to learn and unlearn. The nature of bonding with the institution started with the acculturation of our values as a family that I embraced with love and dedication. Mentoring by the senior faculty and the enthusiastic cooperation of the juniors irrespective of the departmental divisions contributed to my growth. Discipline and accountability are primary. Students are the greatest treasure and the administrative perfection is always a protection for me. I have learned to love this institution in its entirety.

      • Dr. Mandar Mukherjee
      • Associate Professor
      • Department of Political Science
      Shri Shikshayatan College

      Where Knowledge Meets Excellence

      Shri Shikshayatan College - Through the Ages

      Shri Shikshayatan College – the place I have considered next to home for the last 34 years. From a shy and awkward teenager, nervous about joining a college so far away from home, then finding my feet and developing a close bond over my 3 years of student life and then joining as a faculty a few years later – it has been a long journey. Shri Shikshayatan College was a small, cozy place when I first joined. There were just a few departments and all the students and teachers knew each other. There was a strong sense of family that permeated the college with the office staff and the bearers very much a part of it. The Principal then was Smt. Lina Ray; I have very fond memories of her kindness and approachability, especially towards the hostelites.
      I was fortunate to have had as my teachers stalwarts such as the much-respected Mrs. Gauri Ayyub, Smt. Uma Ghosh, Smt. Bandana Mukherjee, Smt. Indrani Mukherjee, Smt. Jamuna Ray, Smt. Anuradha Banerjee, Smt. Bandana Chatterjee, Dr. Rupa Barwani, and Dr. Aditi Dey (our present Principal), to name a few. All of them left an indelible mark on my impressionable mind. I remember them all with gratitude and love. I grew to love the college with its sense of old-world charm, the kindness of the teachers, the solidarity of the small student population, the care bestowed upon us by the office staff and the bearers. Most of all, I loved the hostel. It was there that we forged life-long friendships, where we learnt to adapt and adjust to varied circumstances, where we celebrated unity in the midst of diversity. The hostelites were from different parts of the country and were the best students – I have always felt that the hostel was the reason we had such a diversity of talent in the college, and I was very sad when, some years later after I had graduated, the hostel was shut down.
      I joined my beloved department as a faculty after my Masters, and it has been a long eventful ride till now. I have seen the college transform itself from a homely one to a polished and sparkling institution. Relationships have changed; efficiency has become the order of the day. The college has grown in leaps and bounds and has rightfully come to be regarded as one of the best girls’ college in the city. The latest infrastructure adorns the classrooms; our students have access to a fantastic library, and campus life hums with all manners of activities. What has remained the same is the sincerity and dedication of the teachers who always go the extra mile for the college and for the students. I consider myself privileged to be part of this family; this is where I found myself, where my love and passion for teaching found expression, where the love of my students have formed the bedrock of my life in a place, I consider next to home – Shri Shikshayatan College. hostelites.

      Dr. Elizabeth Dey
      Dept. of Education
      Shri Shikshayatan College

      Journey from a Student to a Teacher

      My association with Shikshayatan goes back to 2003 when I joined B.Com Honours as a student. The three years of my college life were very exciting as well as very enriching. I was a very regular student who would attend all classes after which would take part in all extracurricular activities. I am a sportsperson and was so happy to know that in spite of being all girl college SSC gave so much importance to sports. Not only did we have games classes, sports room we had annual college sports. I would actively take part in sports where I won many trophies for my department along with representing the college in throw-ball and winning many laurels for the college.
      My fondest memories of college is doing Bihu dance in annual sports and also depicting Lord Krishna for a dance performance in Teachers Day. My parents being invited to see me receive prize on Annual day both in first year as well as third year will always be remembered.
      As a member of Students Council, I actively organized Teachers Day, Fresher’s, Farewell and all the other college events specially the college Fest Srijan. The three years of college led to my holistic development which paved way for my future endeavors.
      I joined back the college again in 2008 after completing my masters as a faculty. In my first year as a teacher, I re launched Leadership Training Service (LTS) a youth movement in the college and I am happy that each year at least 100 students join LTS to be leaders of tomorrow along with bringing a change in society. I am the animator of this movement since its inception.
      Now tables have turned for me, now as a teacher I am the convener of Students Council B.Com morning. Along with my other teacher members we guide our council members in conducting student events in college.
      I am very proud and satisfied to be working in my Alma mater. From latest technology to providing best facilities to its students and teachers, college has continuously upgraded itself with the changing times. I sincerely wish and pray that in the coming years Shri Shikshayatan College would reach new pinnacle of success.

      Fatema Mandlaywala
      B.Com (morning) Student
      2003-2006 (Faculty 2008 onwards)

      पुरानी यादें

      आज जब ट्रस्ट के शताब्दी वर्ष पर कुछ लिखने के लिए कलम पकड़ी हूँ तो बार-बार खयाल आ रहा है सीताराम जी सेक्सरिया (बाबू जी) का। उन्होंने अपने सहयोगी भागीरथ जी कनोड़िया और भँवरमल जी सिंधी जैसे कर्मठ समाज सेवियों के साथ मिलकर हमेशा से समाज के हाशिये पर जीने को विवश स्त्री को स्वव्यक्तित्व सम्पन्न बनाने के मिशन की शुरुआत पिछली सदी के आरंभ में ही कर दी थी। उन्ही के भगीरथ प्रयास का प्रतिफलन है मारवाड़ी बालिका विद्यालय, श्री शिक्षायतन स्कूल और फिर श्री शिक्षायतन कॉलेज। यह एक मुहिम थी मध्ययुगीन रूढ़ सामंती समाज व्यवस्था में क्रमशः श्रीहीन होती जा रही स्त्री को उसका ``श्री`` लौटाने की। बहुत सोच विचार कर ही उन्होंने इस संस्था के नाम के साथ ``श्री`` जोड़ा होगा।
      कॉलेज ने स्त्री सशक्तिकरण में अपनी महती भूमिका निभाई है पर विकास की तेज गति में शिक्षायतन का ``श्री`` धीरे धीरे कहीं छूट ता जा रहा है। शिक्षायतन, यतन, शिक्षायतनाईट्स, यतनाईट्स- श्री शिक्षायतन के इन तमाम रूपांतरों ने ``श्री`` को अपनी अपनी तरह से अपदस्थ किया है।
      मैं विद्यार्थियों से बताना चाहूँगी कि हम उनकी तरह यतनाईट्स नहीं बल्कि 'बहन जी' कॉलेज की छात्राएँ थीं। तब की नासमझी में कभी कभी इस नाम से आधुनिकता की दौड़ में पिछड़े होने का बोध हमें भी होता था पर आज समझ पा रही हूँ कि वह 'बहन जी' नाम प्रमाण था पिछड़ेपन का नहीं बल्कि इस बात का कि तथाकथित आधुनिकता हमारी संस्कारशीलता पर हावी नहीं हो पाई थी। कॉलेज ने पश्चिम की ओर की अपनी खिड़की तो खोल रखी थी पर उससे छनकर सिर्फ ज्ञान आ रहा था, आधुनिकता का छद्‌म नहीं। नेह छोह का जैसा रिश्ता पहले शिक्षक विद्यार्थी तथा विद्यार्थी विद्यार्थी के बीच था वैसा अब नहीं रहा। आत्मीय लगाव की जगह तटस्थता बढ़ती जा रही है। खैर !
      लौटती हूँ उसी बिंदू पर जहां से शुरुआत की थी कि हमें खयाल रखना है कि शिक्षायतन के श्री की गरिमा का अतिक्रमण न हो।
      सीताराम जी सेक्सरिया का अभिभावकत्व पाने का सौभाग्य तो नहीं मिला पर उनके द्वारा स्थापित संस्था से जुड़े होने का गर्व बोध अवश्य है ।

      अल्पना नायक
      पूर्व छात्र और वर्तमान संकाय –
      श्री शिक्षायतन कॉलेज
      प्राध्यापक सदस्य